The Literacy and Numeracy Framework
November 4, 2013
Christmas Enterprise
December 16, 2013Croeso – Welcome

CroesoMae’n bleser mawr estyn croeso cynnes i bawb i Safle We newydd Ysgol Rhys Prichard. Gobeithio fyddwch yn gweld y safle yma’n un diddorol a llawn gwybodaeth. Gwelwn hwn yn arf bwysig i hybu’r ysgol yn y dyfodol, felly byddwn yn hapus derbyn eich barn am yr adnodd yma er mwyn cadw’r safon yn uchel. Mae’r safle’n un lle gallwn ddosbarthu gwybodaeth am yr ysgol ag hefyd ymfalchio yng ngwaith a llwyddiant ein plant.Wrth orffen, hoffwn ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi helpu gyda’r safle, ond yn bennaf i Paul Long sydd wedi ei gynllunio.Noel Jones – Prif Athro
It gives me great pleasure in welcoming you to this exciting new venture, the Ysgol Rhys Prichard Web Site. Our hope is that you will find this both informative and interesting and that it becomes an important tool in promoting our school. We have attempted to include all aspects of school life from organization and staffing, to highlighting pupils achievements and successes. We would welcome your comments about this site as we hope it fully reflects your need as readers. Finally, I must thank all who have worked so hard in creating this fabulous resource, especially Paul Long who designed and manages the site. Noel Jones – Head Teacher