Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their children attend school regularly and should telephone the school before 9.10 a.m. on the first day of absence if their child is unable to attend school. All schools are required to record a pupil’s absence as either authorised or unauthorised. If parents fail to notify the school of an absence it will automatically be recorded as an unauthorised absence against the child. Parents should inform the school in writing if an absence is known in advance. The school reserves the right in all cases of absence to determine the category of absence.
When a child has a medical appointment during the school day parents should let the school know when the child will be collected. No child will be allowed to leave school unless collected by a responsible adult.
Information on school closure during inclement weather will be broadcast on School Website, Twitter, Facebook Page, Text message, Radio Wales/Cymru, Radio Carmarthenshire and on Carmarthenshire County Web Site as soon as possible.