Pupils are asked to observe the school’s code of conduct set out in the “Golden Rules”, namely:

Try your best at all times

Respect, share and be friendly with

Be punctual

Be polite and use good manners

Everybody is equal

Walk into and around the school at all times

Look after your own property and that of others

Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school day without the prior knowledge and consent of the headteacher.

Children who cycle to school are required to store their bicycles in the shed on the school playground. Bicycles must not be ridden on the school premises.

Pupils are not allowed to consume canned drinks or drinks in glass containers on the school premises.

Pupils are allowed to bring crisps or fruit to school (provided they are eaten during playtimes), but they are not allowed to consume sweets or chocolate on the school premises.

Pupils are not allowed to wear earrings or other jewelry in school. Pupils with pierced ears may wear studs but these must be removed for all physical education activities.

Expensive pens and large sums of loose money should not be brought to school. (All monies should be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the child’s name, class and purpose clearly visible).

Pupils are not allowed to sell goods to other pupils without the consent of the headteacher

No child shall bring a pocket knife or a potentially dangerous instrument to school.