1 Introduction
Ysgol Rhys Prichard is a community school whereby the employer is the Local Education Authority (LEA). Whilst the LEA is responsible as the employer to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation, the Head Teacher and governors have management responsibilities to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees, pupils, visitors and contractors. The senior leadership team and the Governing Body as the management body will ensure that school staff and premises comply with both Carmarthenshire County Council and local health and safety policies and practices.
We recognise that good health, safety and wellbeing for both our staff and pupils supports the delivery of a positive learning experience and promotes their physical and mental well-being. As such we will include the management of health and safety as a core management function and regard it as being as important as any other aspect of our school’s performance.
Ysgol Rhys Prichard recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer and provider of services and will provide a safe and healthy workplace and learning environment for all staff, pupils and such other persons as may be affected by its activities.
This Policy will help those responsible for managing health and safety in our school to strike the right balance, so that the real risks are managed and learning opportunities are experienced to the full.
Governors, managers and staff will promote a positive health and safety culture and demonstrate a visible commitment to achieving high standards of health, safety and risk management.
To achieve these objectives our school will:
- Implement and maintain arrangements to identify and manage risks to the health, safety and wellbeing of staff, pupils, and others may be affected by the school’s activities.
- Maintain the premises in a safe condition
- Provide safe access and egress to the school
- Maintain all plant and equipment so that it is safe for use
- Develop and maintain effective arrangements for managing accidents and emergencies
- Ensure the roles and responsibilities required to deliver our health safety and wellbeing objectives are clearly defined and communicated
- Provide appropriate training, information, instruction and supervision to ensure are all staff and pupils are competent to undertake their roles and responsibilities
- Ensure our contractors and suppliers are competent and undertake their work in a way that will not expose themselves, staff, pupils, visitors or others to avoidable risks
- Monitor the effectiveness of the arrangements contained in this policy
In order to meet the aims and objectives outlined in Part One and achieve high standards of health, safety and wellbeing in our school, it is important that everyone understands their role in managing the risks associated with the activities they are responsible for.
This section outlines the key these key roles and responsibilities.
An example organisational chart for a secondary or large primary school can be found at Appendix One.
1. Governing Body
School Governors shall:
1.1 Ensure that they are aware of their duties and responsibilities under safety legislation and ensure that the Head Teacher is aware of, and implements, the school’s Health and Safety Policy and its requirements are communicated to all relevant persons
1.2 Give due consideration to health and safety when developing, amending and delivering school policies and when allocating associated responsibilities and resources,
1.3 Ensure that school specific health and safety arrangements are developed and effectively implemented,
1.4 Co-operate with advice and directions issued by Carmarthenshire County Council relating to matters concerning health, safety and wellbeing or establish and adopt other equally effective measures,
1.5 Ensure consultation with the Property Division at the planning stage of building work or projects, which they are considering,
1.6 Appropriately consult CCC’s Employee Wellbeing Team on issues affecting the health, safety and wellbeing of all persons at the planning stage and include any necessary measures to control risks.
1.7 Ensure temperature, toilet facilities for pupils, ventilation and lighting in the school meets the standards contained in The Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999 and The Workplace, (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.
1.8 Ensure that where contractors are appointed to work on the site, all appropriate health and safety documents (e.g. safety policy/risk assessments) have been issued to the school and reviewed appropriately. That all risks presented by the contractor’s work have been assessed and appropriate controls put into place and the contractor has been made aware of any risks that there may be to their health and safety prior to working on the site
2. Head Teachers
Head Teachers shall, in liaison with the governing body, ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of staff, pupils and others who may be affected by the school’s activities.
The Head Teacher is responsible for the day to day management of the school and shall:
2.1 Ensure that the authority’s Model Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy (or equivalent) is developed and effectively implemented, and its requirements are communicated to all relevant persons,
2.2 Ensure that hazards associated with the premises, workplaces and activities for which they are responsible are identified, and suitable and sufficient risk assessments are in place to manage risk. All significant findings are recorded.
2.3 Ensure effective emergency response arrangements are introduced and maintained.
2.4 Ensure that the school premises are maintained in a safe state of repair, in accordance with the requirements and procedures of Carmarthenshire County Council.
2.5 Ensure that all staff receive adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to enable them to carry out their responsibilities and work safely
2.6 Provide visible health and safety management and leadership to ensure a positive health and safety culture
2.7 Ensure that any defects in the premises, its plant, equipment or facilities which relate to or may affect the health and safety of staff, pupils and others are made safe in a timescale commensurate with the risk.
2.8 Act as the Premises Responsible Person for the school site including the role of the Responsible Person as required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
2.9 Record and report accidents and incidents using the procedures developed by Carmarthenshire County Council and when appropriate carry out accident, incident and near misses investigations and implement any remedial action to prevent reoccurrence
2.10 Monitor the standards of health and safety throughout the school, including all on and off site activities
2.11 Provide appropriate training, information and instruction is provided to ensure staff, pupils and others are competent to undertake their roles and work safely, including being made aware of the risk management arrangements associated with their activities.
2.12 If appropriate, nominate a member of the management team to take the lead responsibility for operational health and safety. The nominated management team member will have the time, resource and competence to fulfil this role and implement appropriate health, safety and wellbeing arrangements.
2.13 Consult with staff, including if appropriate, Trade Union Safety Representatives, on health and safety issues; and encourage staff and others to promote health and safety. Where appropriate, establish a local health, safety and wellbeing group.
2.14 Ensure that contractors working on school sites are selected, managed and monitored so as not to allow them introduce avoidable risks to staff, pupils, visitors or the premises. Carmarthenshire County Council’s Property Maintenance Division should be consulted before appointing contractors or allowing work to start.
2.15 Ensure that the school has access to competent health and safety advice and where appropriate, co-operates with the requirements, guidance or directions issued by CCC relating to matters concerning health and safety.
2.16 Adequate resources are made available to ensure that the school meets its statutory obligations as far as is reasonably practicable
2.17 Periodically assess the effectiveness of this policy and ensure that any necessary revisions are made.
3. Supervisory Staff (This includes Assistant/Deputy Head teachers, Curriculum Co-ordinators, Heads of Year, Heads of Departments, Site Managers, Clerical Managers/Supervisors)
In addition to the general duties of all members of staff, supervisory staff will be directly responsible to the Head teacher the implementation and operation of the school’s health and safety policy within their relevant departments and areas of responsibility.
As part of their day-to-day responsibilities they will:
3.1 Apply the school’s health and safety policy or relevant health and safety guidance e.g.
CLEAPSS, DATA, AFPE, to their own department or area of work and to be directly
responsible to the Head teacher for the application of the relevant health and safety
procedures and arrangements.
3.2 Undertake regular health and safety risk assessments of the activities for which they are
responsible and monitor the effectiveness of all risk management arrangements.
3.3 Carry out regular inspections of their areas of responsibility to ensure that equipment,
premises and activities are safe and record these inspections where required.
3.4 All statutory inspections and maintenance is carried on plant, equipment and premises
and any defective or damaged equipment is put out of use or repaired as appropriate.
3.5 Ensure that all staff and pupils under their control are competent to undertake the
activities for which they are responsible. In particular, pupils are given appropriate instruction in
safe working practices before commencing an activity.
3.6 Raise any identified shortfalls in the management of health and safety in their area of responsibility to the attention of the head teacher / nominated Health and Safety lead.
3.7 Ensure all accidents, incidents and near misses in their area of responsibility are reported and recorded in accordance with the school’s management arrangements
3.8 Ensure all hazardous and/or highly flammable substances in their areas of responsibility
are safely used, transported, stored and labelled, and exposure is minimised.
3.9 Appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment is provided and effective first aid and fire management arrangements are provided and maintained.
4. Class Teachers
Class teachers are expected to:
Maintain their classrooms or other areas where they undertake teaching or supervision in a safe environment for themselves, other staff, pupils and visitors.
4.1 Exercise effective supervision of their pupils and to know the procedures in respect of fire, first aid and other emergencies, and to carry them out.
4.2 Apply all health and safety arrangements as appropriate in their own teaching areas
including risk assessments and/or, instructions from competent bodies e.g. CLEAPSS,
4.3 Provide pupils with clear safety instructions as required and monitor to ensure these
instructions are being followed
4.4 Use Personal protective equipment and clothing as appropriate and check that pupils and others are also wearing appropriate protective clothing
4.5 Carry out appropriate checks and inspections to ensure all plant, equipment, furniture, fittings and machinery in their area of responsibility is safe for use and put out of use all defective or damaged equipment until it is repaired.
4.6 Report all accidents, incidents and near misses in accordance with the schools management arrangements
4.7 Report to their manager any health and safety concerns, hazardous condition or defects
in the health and safety arrangements.
4.8 Support the school in embedding a positive safety culture that extends to the pupils of the school and any visitors to the site.
5. All employees (including LSA, Teaching Assistants, Play supervisors, temporary staff and others)
All employees, agency and peripatetic workers and contractors must comply with the school’s health and safety policy and associated arrangements and in particular are required to:
5.1 Take reasonable care for their own health and safety at work and of those who may be affected by their actions or by their omissions.
5.2 Cooperate with their line manager and senior management to work safely, to comply with health and safety instructions and information and undertake appropriate health and safety training as required.
5.3 Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare.
5.4 Report to their manager any health and safety concerns, hazardous conditions or defects in the health and safety arrangements.
6. Pupils
Pupils are not subject to health and safety legislation in the same way as employees, however, in accordance with their age and aptitude they are expected to behave in a manner that reflects the school’s behaviour policy including:
6.1 Take reasonable care for their own health and safety at school and of their peers, teachers, support staff and any other person that may be at school.
6.2 Cooperate with teaching and support staff and follow all health and safety instructions as given. In particular all instructions given in emergencies.
6.3 Not intentionally/recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare.
6.4 Report to a teacher or other member of school staff any health and safety concerns that they may have.
7. Visitors, Members of the Public and Volunteers
Visitors and members of the public are requested to co-operate with the health and safety arrangements put in place by the school when on school premises or participating in school related activities (sports activities, school trips etc.).
Where volunteers are undertaking work on behalf of the School they should be regarded as employees (see 5 above). Line managers have responsibilities for undertaking risk assessments and implementation of control measures, together with ensuring that volunteers have received adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for the tasks they will be undertaking.
Health, Safety and Welfare
The following procedures and arrangements have been established within our school to reduce health and safety risks to an acceptable level.
1. Accident Reporting, Recording and Investigation
All accidents and incidents on school premises or occurring during school related activities (including off site activities), involving staff, pupils, contractors, visitors, councillors, agency workers, work experience person/s, trainees, and members of public are to be reported according to Carmarthenshire County Council’s Accident Reporting Procedures.
In line with the Accident Reporting procedure, all staff will be encouraged to report accidents, incidents and near misses. Where appropriate line managers will investigate such incidents to identify the causes and implement measures to prevent a recurrence. Dependent on the nature of the incident, an investigation may be led by a Health & Safety Advisor from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Employee Wellbeing Team.
Guidance on Accident and Incident Reporting can be found on the Schools’ HWB site
2. Asbestos
Carmarthenshire County Council has a duty to assess and manage the risks from asbestos in schools in compliance with Regulation 4 of The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. This duty is delegated to the Head Teacher to manage on a daily basis.
The risks from asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACMs) are well documented and where asbestos is known to be present, the school will manage asbestos in accordance with the arrangements detailed in their local Asbestos Management File. This document details and records the actions to be undertaken to manage the risks from asbestos and has a requirement to pass on information about the location and condition of Asbestos Containing Materials to anyone likely to disturb them.
In particular:
- All staff and others must complying with Carmarthenshire County Council’s Policy regarding the control of asbestos.
- No activities or work should take place that will disturb or damage asbestos or ACMs.
- All contractors must complete the appropriate actions detailed in the Asbestos Management File before commencing work.
- Damage to ACMs or disturbance of asbestos or any concerns must be reported immediately to The Property Maintenance 01267 225866
3. Contractors
The school will follow the advice and guidance issued by Carmarthenshire County Council’s Property Maintenance Division regarding the selection, appointment and monitoring of anyone undertaking works on school premises.
Where the school engages directly with contractors, the following arrangements will be followed:
- Advice will be sought from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Property Maintenance Division before any work commences.
- The school will check the competence of contractors and visiting workers via the Procurement of Contractors Procedures (competence can be judged from past experience, recommendation, pre-selection evaluation or a combination taking into consideration nature and scale of the works required).
- Examination of appropriate risk assessments and safe working methods as appropriate to check that all significant hazards and risks on site clearly identified and contractors and others have correctly interpreted any site specific conditions, etc.
- Wherever possible arrangements must be put in place to segregate staff, pupils and others from contractors and associated works traffic
- The school will nominate a person to act as a point of contact for contractors and visiting workers and monitor their activities.
- Appropriate levels and types of Liability Insurances are held by contractors. This should be a minimum of £10,000,000 and contractors must provide a current certificate of insurance number.
- Effective communication and exchanges of information on hazards and risks should be maintained with contractors at all times they are on site.
- All works to be stopped if it is considered contractors are working in an unsafe way
4. Lettings
Persons/organisations letting the site will be made aware of, and agree to the following procedures for lettings, in particular fire evacuation, security arrangements, the requirements relating to accident and near miss reporting requirements and the provision of first aid:
- Co-operate and co-ordinate with the school on health and safety matters
- Agree to the terms of the lettings policy in relation to health and safety arrangements
- Provide information relating to any additional risks or procedures which will be new or unusual to those of the school that may arise from their activitiesThe school will ensure that:
- The premises are in a safe condition for the purpose of use
- Health and safety arrangements are detailed in the lettings policy and that these are fully explained and communicated
- Adequate arrangements for emergency evacuation are in place and communicated
5. Communication
The school recognises that the exchange of health and safety knowledge and information is a key element in the effective management of risk. Where necessary, these communications will be recorded and include:
- Senior leadership team meetings and staff meetings
- The Governors Premises Management Sub-Committee/ Health and Safety Sub-Committee
- Staff briefings
- Staff training days
- Health and safety noticeboard
- School Council (if appropriate)
- Induction for New /Temporary/Agency/Supply Staff
- Information to visitors regarding hazards on the school site visitors
- Communication of health and safety bulletins
- These arrangements will also provide a process for information to be passed up to the school’s management team for consideration and action if appropriate.
6. Curriculum Safety (including extended schools activity/study support)
The school recognise that programmes of study require that children should be taught how to identify and manage risks in the way that they work. A balance must be achieved between independent learning and the necessary supervision to ensure safety.
Teachers and others in a supervisory role will ensure that they are familiar with all risks which might arise from the tools, equipment, materials and processes they plan for children to use. All guidance material where available will be reviewed and applied as appropriate. This will include guidance from CLEAPSS, AfPE (formally BAALPE) DATA, local risk assessments and relevant Carmarthenshire County Council’s procedures and guidance.
All non-teaching assistants must be appraised of the safety procedures and practices relating to any of the activities that they support.
Suitable protective clothing and equipment required by an activity will be provided and worn correctly by all participants.
7. Drugs & Medication
The school recognises the importance of ensuring that pupils with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they can gain full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
To achieve this, the school will ensure arrangements are in place to support such pupils and where necessary, the school will consult with health and social care professionals, parents, pupils and relevant others to ensure medical conditions are properly understood and supported. School nurses should be consulted at an early stage for advice and support.
While there is no legal duty requiring the school or staff to administer medicines, the school will develop and implement effective management arrangements to meet the needs of all pupils requiring medical support.
Staff involved with providing this support will have access to up to date and relevant information and will receive appropriate levels of training and support to carry out this role. Provision will be made to cover staff absences, other contingencies and emergencies.
Medication will be stored in a secure but accessible location in accordance with the requirements of the specific instructions provided. If required temperature controlled storage will be provided.
The school has adopted Carmarthenshire County Council’s Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Year Settings guidance available on the HWB site
8. Electrical Equipment (fixed and portable)
The school will ensure that all fixed and portable electrical equipment is installed, maintained and inspected in accordance with Electricity at Work Regs 1999.
Electrical systems (hard wiring) is periodically inspected every 5 years by a competent contractor and records maintained; any remedial works recommended are acted upon in a timely manner
As a minimum, portable electrical equipment will be subject to:
- user checks before use
- portable appliance testing (PAT) as required
Staff should not use their own electrical equipment unless it has been inspected by a qualified electrician and passed as fit for use.
Damaged or defective equipment must put out of use until it is repaired or disposed of in a way that it cannot be re-introduced (cut off the plug).
Pupils using electrical equipment must be instructed in safe use and supervised.
First aiders must know how to assist anyone who has received an electric shock
9. Fire Precautions & Procedures
The school will manage fire in accordance with the arrangements detailed in their local Fire Management File. The head teacher is the Responsible Person who is responsible for the implementing these arrangements.
Appropriate instruction and training relating to fire safety including safe evacuation, emergency procedures, testing of equipment and monitoring arrangements will be provided to all staff (including agency, temporary, peripatetic, work placements and work experience) and recorded.
This will be included in Induction Training for new staff. Appropriate information/instruction will be provided to visitors/contractors on arrival at the school.
Where staff, pupils or any other person who regularly attends the school are identified as needing additional support or assistance to evacuate the building in the event of an emergency, a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) will be developed and implemented.
Fire Alarm tests will be undertaken weekly, and evacuation drills will be held at the start of each term and the effectiveness recorded.
The fire service will be informed of all incidents of fire, even if small and extinguished.
Support and guidance is available from Property Maintenance 01267 228110
10. First Aid
The guidance issued by Carmarthenshire County Council on first aid for schools has been adopted by the school. In particular the school will:
- Ensure sufficient numbers of trained first aiders are available including cover for school trips and offsite activities where other provision is not available.
- Where there are pupils aged four or under, a minimum of one member of staff will hold a Paediatric Emergency First Aid at Work qualification.
- Medicines, tablets, ointments etc. will not be kept in first aid boxes.
- Where required, a suitable room will be made available for treatment.
- First Aid notices are clearly displayed around the school.
- Provide sufficient numbers of suitably stocked first aid boxes and conduct monthly checks to ensure they are adequately stocked.
Carmarthenshire County Council’s Employee Wellbeing Team can be contacted to arrange appropriate First Aid Training for staff – 01267 246180
Where Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are sited in the school or on school premises, staff will be trained in their use. This can be sought via Carmarthenshire County Council’s Working Safely Team – 01267 246180 or other external providers.
The school will ensure that they are inspected and maintained as appropriate and disposable items are replaced when required. Any damage to the unit or the storage box should be reported to the supplier for advice.
Modern AEDs have a self-test facility that indicate a fault by a warning light or sign or similar indicator. The school will ensure that they are inspected on a weekly basis and any faults are referred to the supplier/manufacturer of the AED for advice and guidance.
Where provision is made for the AED to be accessible by the community, its location will be assessed for accessibility and the potential for theft, damage or vandalism.
11. Glass and Glazing
All glass in “critical locations” including doors, side panels, display cabinets, windows, conservatories, partitions is to be safety glass and will conform to BS 6206 and BS EN 12600.
All replacement glass is to meet the same standard as above.
Carmarthenshire County Council’s Property Maintenance Team to be contacted for advice and guidance if required.
12. Hazardous Substances
Control of Hazardous Substances (COSHH) Guidance has been adopted in respect of managing hazardous substances. Where hazardous substances are used, line managers or a designated employee will undertake a Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) risk assessment and adopt suitable management arrangements based on a hierarchy of control, seeking to eliminate or substitute risk first and foremost.
The Head Teacher will ensure the following arrangements are in place and adhered to:
- An inventory of all hazardous substances on site is kept and updated regularly
- Wherever possible non-hazardous substances are used and if this is not possible the least harmful substance is used
- A COSHH risk assessment will be completed for all hazardous substances used and shared with relevant staff
- Wherever possible exposure to hazardous substances is prevented, where exposure cannot be prevented, a risk assessment will be carried out and controls measures implemented
- Where identified as part of the risk assessment, appropriate PPE will be provided to staff
- Any need for exposure monitoring or health surveillance will be carried out
- Sufficient information, instruction and training is given to staff to ensure full understanding of the hazards to health posed by substances in the workplace, and the importance of control measures provided
- Training records are maintained for those who receive training
- Information will also be given to others who may be affected, such as contractors, temporary staff and visitors
- Only substances purchased through the schools procurement systems can be used on site
- Substances are stored appropriately and those that are no longer required are disposed of appropriately. CLEAPSS guidance will be followed for correct procedures.
- COSHH risk assessments are monitored regularly and reviewed annually
In Science Departments appropriate guidance from CLEAPSS will be followed at all times.
Where necessary, Carmarthenshire County Council’s Health and Safety Advisor will assist the school in carrying out the necessary assessments.
13. Health and Safety Advice
Health and safety advice is obtained from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Employee Wellbeing Service (see last page of this document for contact details)
14. Moving, Handling & Lifting
The risks to staff and pupils resulting from poor manual handling techniques and incorrect use of equipment are well documented. To reduce the risk of manual handling related injuries the Head Teacher will ensure the following arrangements are followed:
- Moving and handling is avoided whenever possible.
- If it cannot be avoided, moving and handling activities are properly planned, risk assessed as appropriate, carried out by competent staff and carried out in a manner which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe.
- Those undertaking specific moving and handling tasks have received appropriate training or instruction and training records are maintained.
- Any equipment provided to assist with moving and handling tasks is inspected, maintained and serviced in accordance with statutory requirements.
- Any defective equipment is taken out of use until it is repaired or is replaced.
- An individual risk assessment will be completed for all new or expectant mothers and staff with identified medical conditions that may be affected by undertaking moving and handling tasks; these may result in some moving and handling task being restricted
Where staff are required to assist pupils with moving and handling support, they will receive appropriate training in safe moving and handling techniques, safe use of relevant equipment and this training will be updated at least annually.
All training will be undertaken in accordance with The All Wales Manual Handling Passport Scheme or equivalent and will be paediatric specific.
Individual risk assessment will be completed for all new or expectant mothers and staff with identified medical conditions that may be affected by undertaking moving and handling tasks; these may result in some moving and handling task being restricted
Carmarthenshire County Council’s Working Safety Team will be consulted for advice and guidance – 01267 246180
15. Lone Working
Line managers will ensure that lone working is risk assessed and that appropriate control measures are put in place to mitigate those risks.
Staff themselves have a responsibility to ensure their own health and safety and assist in the operation of any systems designed to provide for their safety.
16. Maintenance / Inspection of Equipment
The school will ensure that all equipment will be inspected, tested, services and maintained as required by statutory requirements, manufacturers/supplier specifications, risk assessments or other requirements.
These will only be undertaken by competent persons and appropriate records will be retained.
Carmarthenshire County Council’s Risk Management Unit will be informed of any new or modified equipment that is subject to statutory inspection or testing – 01267 246219
17. Play and Sports Equipment
The school will all ensure all fixed and mobile sports and play equipment is subject to the following inspection regime to ensure it remains in a safe condition for use:
- Supervising staff to carry out pre-use visual checks of sports and play equipment to identify obvious defects, this includes a visual sweep of playing areas prior to use to ensure any hazardous objects are removed.
- Termly checks are undertaken and documented by school (checklist available via the HWB site)
- Arrangements made with competent contractors to inspect PE equipment at least annually.
It is good practice to record and retain the findings of these checks and inspections.
Games posts including, football, netball, basketball, hockey etc. will be kept in good condition. Lighter, portable posts will be secured to prevent them falling over and free standing posts will be anchored using sandbags or purpose suppled weights as appropriate. All posts will be checked regularly for damage, defects and structural integrity.
Information on the safe use and maintenance of goal posts and play equipment can be found here –
All new outdoor play equipment will be designed, constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with European standards BS EN 1176 and BS EN 1177.
Where these makings are not indicated, the school will ensure the equipment is inherently safe for use and meets or exceeds current safety requirements.
All defective and condemned equipment will be disposed of in a way that it cannot be reintroduced into lessons or used by others.
The current playground equipment inspector`s for the LEA are The Play Inspection Company. Their contact details are – 01202 590675 or info@playinspections.co.uk
The following organisations can be contacted to inspect sports equipment in schools:
Sport Safe UK – 0333 300 0032
Fitness Sports UK – 01295 565 564
Sports Equipment Engineering Ltd – 0117 279 1531
18. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Where risk assessments or appropriate guidance identifies the requirement for PPE it will be provided at no cost to pupils, staff or others.
All PPE will be selected using a risk assessed approach and for any assessment including under COSHH, the following criteria be considered:
- Appropriate for level and type of risk
- Provide adequate levels of protection
- Regard to fit, comfort, compatibility with other equipment or clothing
- Storage, cleaning. replacement and distribution
A record of all PPE issued will be made and will include details of any expiry dates so that equipment can be replaced as and when is necessary.
Staff are responsible for ensuring that they use PPE where it is provided.
19. Risk Assessments and Risk Management
Ysgol Rhys Prichard will assess the risks to the health and safety of all staff, pupils and of anyone else that may be affected by the work activity. The clear identification of all foreseeable risks will enable the necessary preventative and protective measures to be implemented. The school will ensure that all those staff members who carry out risk assessments will be competent do so.
Risks will be assessed in a manner that ranks them by severity/probability for prioritisation and control measures identified and put in place that are proportional to the level of risk
Consideration will be given to the age, physical and mental maturity of pupils and any SEN requirements when assessing the risks to pupils.
When a decision on the suitable risk controls is made, the risk assessment will be recorded and copies made available to all those who require them. Where it is identified as being necessary, additional training or information will be provided for any staff member.
The Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team will make arrangements for putting into practice all the control measures that have been identified as being necessary in the risk assessment. Competent people will be appointed to apply the measures that are necessary and to comply with their duties under health and safety legislation.
The significant finds of all risk assessments will be communicated to those affected and monitoring arrangements will be in place to ensure that safe systems of work are being followed and the working environment and activities are managed in accordance with the details outlined in the written assessment.
Health surveillance for employees will be provided where the risk assessment shows it to be necessary.
Temporary workers will be given appropriate health and safety information to meet their special requirements prior to work commencing.
All risk assessments will be reviewed at least annually, or earlier should the need arise e.g. following an incident, change of method of work, etc.
In the event that a situation occurs that could present serious or imminent danger to any person whether they are a staff member, pupil or other the following procedure will apply:
- Planned work and/or activities will cease immediately
- The location or activity will be cordoned off or access prevented until the danger has passed or the area can be made safe.
- Work or activities will not recommence until effective control measures are in place to reduce the risk to a lower more acceptable level
- The responsible person will instruct staff on necessary immediate action to be taken
- The Head Teacher will source advice and guidance from relevant external sources as necessary
20. School Trips/ Off-Site Activities
The school will comply with Carmarthenshire County Council’s Guidance for all offsite visits and school trips.
The school will ensure that a suitable person is nominated as their Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC), who will be responsible for the following:
- Supporting the head teacher and governors with approval and other decisions regarding school trips
- Completing processes and procedures required as part of the EVOLVE system
- Assess the competence of leaders and other adults proposed for a visit. This will commonly be done with reference to accreditations from an awarding body. It may include practical observation or verification of experience.
- Organise the training of leaders and other adults going on a visit. This will commonly involve training such as first aid, hazard awareness etc;
- Organise thorough induction of leaders and other adults taking pupils on a specific visit;
- Organise the emergency arrangements and ensure there is an emergency contact for each visit
- Review systems and, on occasion, monitor practice.The school will contact Carmarthenshire County Council’s Youth Support Services for advice and guidance – 01267246678
21. School Transport
Where staff are required to drive school vehicles as part of their role, the head teacher will ensure all driving activities are risk assessed and the following arrangements will be implemented and monitored:
- All drivers will hold the appropriate licence for the vehicle being driven.
- All drivers are fit to drive the vehicle.
- All vehicles is taxed, has a valid MOT and is in a roadworthy condition.
- All vehicles is insured for business use.
- All vehicles is fitted with appropriate safety restraints and child seating for the age and height of the child (where required).
- Safety restraints are worn whilst the vehicle is in motionStaff should not drive pupils to hospital in the event of an emergency or injury unless advised to do so by the emergency services. Where this is advised two staff (including the driver) should accompany the injured person and they should carry a charged mobile phone.
- Where staff are required to use their own vehicles for transport the head teacher will check on an annual basis that drivers hold a current and valid driver’s licence, hold appropriate business insurance and an MOT where relevant.
Ysgol Rhys Prichard recognises that it is an offence to use, cause or permit the driver to use a hand-held mobile phone or other electronic communication devices whilst driving or controlling a vehicle on the road and will instruct staff that:
- Drivers must not respond to calls or messages whilst driving.
- Calls or other communications must only be returned when safe and legal to do so, i.e. vehicle is stationary and in safe position with engine turned off.
- Hand held radios and mobile phones are not to be used on petrol station forecourts.
- In the event of a vehicle fire, staff are instructed to:
- The driver will complete an accident report as soon as possible after the accident.
- Where staff are involved in an accident they will be instructed NOT to admit any liability or responsibility at the scene; to exchange insurance details and notify the Head Teacher as soon as possible.
- Stop the vehicle in as safe a position as the situation allows
- Get all persons out of the vehicle and move to a safe location (behind a crash barrier if possible)
- Contact the emergency services Information driver and transport requirements will be sought from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Transport Strategy and Infrastructure – 01267 228136
- Health surveillance for drivers is available from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Occupational Health – 01267 246060. This is not a legal requirement but should be regarded as best practice.
22. Staff Consultation
The Governing Body, through the Head teacher, will make arrangements for full and proper consultation with employees on health and safety matters. The nominated safety representatives of each accredited trade union or staff association will be offered a role in these consultations.
23. Staff Health and Safety Training and Development
The head teacher will ensure that line managers/heads of departments within the school will undertake a training needs analysis to identify the competency requirements of specific job roles in terms of health and safety, and will ensure that appropriate training is delivered and recorded. This training needs analysis will be reviewed on an annual basis or on the introduction of new roles and responsibilities, legislation, risks or activities.
Carmarthenshire County Council’s Working Safety Team will be consulted for advice and guidance – 01267 246180
24. Staff Well-being – Stress and Mental Health
The school acknowledges that there are many factors both work related and personal, that may contribute to staff ill health including stress. The school will follow the principles of the HSE guidance ‘Managing the causes of work-related stress’ (HSG 218) along with Carmarthenshire County Council’s guidance on Stress and Mental Health
The head teacher will include workplace stress as part of the risk assessment process to identify areas of concern e.g. workload, support, role, demands, change, relationships and implement appropriate control measures to manage the stressors, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Where workplace stress arises as an issue for staff, line managers will deal with the issue in a sensitive and constructive manner
The following arrangements are in place to locally manage staff health issues:
- The head teacher will encourage staff to inform their line manager, the Head Teacher or another member of the senior leadership team of any ill health issues
- An appropriate senior member of staff will meet and discuss the ill health issues with the employee and consider what actions could be taken to support the staff member and where appropriate assist in reducing stress levels
- The member of staff will be offered a referral to an occupational health professional for advice and support where appropriate.
- The member of staff will be advised that support can also be provided through their trade union or other sources of advice and support
- Regular review meetings will be scheduled to monitor ill health and stress levels where they have been identified
- If it is identified that there is a high occurrence of staff ill health or stress within the school, the Head Teacher will actively seek support to undertake a holistic assessment to identify what the possible root cause may be and implement a plan to improve the situation. https://wwhttps://www.mind.org.uk/media/8693661/guide-to-waps-line-managers-english_interactive-op.pdfw.time-to-change.org.uk/workplace-workshop-films
- https://www.educationsupportpartnership.org.uk.
- Advice and support on managing stress and supporting staff where there are mental health concerns available through Carmarthenshire County Council’s Occupational Health – 01267 246060 or the following organisations:
25. Use of VDU’s / Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
The majority of staff within the school are not considered to be DSE users under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.
However where users are identified, the head teacher will ensure DSE self-assessments covering work regime, workstation equipment, workstation layout and environmental factors are undertaken and documented.
DSE assessments will be reviewed annually or where equipment changes or office layouts change or when there are staff change or if ill health/injuries are known.
Guidance is available on the HWB or from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Working Safety Team – 01267 246088.
26. Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety
The school’s Senior Leadership Team recognise that vehicles entering the school site can be a significant risk to pupils, staff and visitors. As part of the school’s risk management arrangements the head teacher will:
- Carrying out a risk assessment to identify traffic hazards on their site
- Implementing measures to minimise the risk of injury from traffic
- Keeping records of the significant findings of any risk assessment.
The head teacher will ensure that the following hierarchy of controls is considered to manage risks to pedestrians:
- Prevent vehicles from entering the school site
- Design out traffic route that mix vehicular and pedestrian traffic
- Segregate vehicular traffic from pedestrian traffic (time, proximity or physical barriers)
- Manage vehicle and pedestrian access and egress points to prevent risk of collision
- Maintain arrangements that prevent drivers from reversing or undertaking other high risk manoeuvres
- Monitor vehicle and pedestrian activities
Support and guidance is available from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Road Safety Team – 01267 228287
27. Violence and Aggression
The school is committed to providing a safe and secure working and educational environment for staff, pupils and any other persons on its site.
Outside of settings that support pupils with SEN where more specific management arrangements will be in place, the head teacher will ensure risk assessments are undertaken to identify the risks of violent or aggressive behaviour towards staff.
Where risks are identified the head teacher will implement control measures including the following:
- Staff are advised to remove themselves from any confrontation that they consider may result in violence:
- Arrange seating so that a clear escape route from the room to a place of safety is available. Sit near the door, or use a room with two doors
- Contact the police if appropriate.
- Inform the Head Teacher or a member of the senior management team if confrontation has taken place
- Incidents involving violent or aggressive behaviour will be reported to Carmarthenshire County Council
- Staff will be offered additional support including Occupational Health
- Review the violence and assaults risk assessment following any incident.
Where staff are supporting pupils with SEN who are known to exhibit violent or challenging behaviour, the following management arrangements will be considered:
- All pupils will have a current care plan that includes information on how to prevent and manage aggressive behaviour
- Additional resources as indicated in the care plan will be available at all times
- Staff will receive any specialist training required to work safely with pupils with SEN
- All incidents involving violent or aggressive behaviour will be reported to Carmarthenshire County Council
- Care plans will be reviewed as appropriate by a competent person, particularly after any violent incident involving a pupil or if there is a significant change in pupil behaviour.
Support and guidance is available from Carmarthenshire County Council’s Additional Learning Needs Team -01267 246451
28. Working at Height
The head teacher will ensure that where working at height cannot be prevented, all related activities are risk assessed in accordance with Schools’ Working at Height Procedures and Guidance and appropriate control measures will be put in place to mitigate those risks.
Staff will only use ladders/steps/kick stools to access work at heights and staff will be instructed that the use of classroom furniture etc. is prohibited.
All ladders will conform to EN131 Professional or BS2037, BS1129 if purchased before 01 January 2018. Domestic or non-classified ladders will not be used.
All work at height equipment will be:
- Checked by the user prior to use
- Inspected termly
- Stored securely where it cannot be damaged
- Used as instructed
Regular user will receive appropriate Ladder Safety Training. Please contact Eddie Cummings on 01267 246180 to arrange.
29. Workplace Inspections and Premises Risks
Head teachers/heads of departments/Delegated Persons responsible for premises/departments to undertake regular workplace inspections an appropriate Premises Checklist. (available via the HWB)
The Premises Responsible Person/ site manager will ensure that hazards associated with premises are monitored and controlled.
Staff will inform the Senior Leadership Team of any premises related hazards or dangerous occurrences.
Where repairs, maintenance or remedial work is required, Property Maintenance will be consulted for advice and guidance.
30. Water and Legionella Management
Ysgol Rhys Prichard will ensure that the guidance surrounding water management as detailed in the Approved Code of Practice L8 and guidance issued by Property Maintenance are fully complied with.
Checks and inspections will be undertaken and recorded as required by the above guidance any non-compliance will be reported to Property Maintenance.
31. Sharps and Needlesticks
Staff will report all instances of sharps/discarded needles/syringes to the Senior Leadership Team immediately. The following actions will be initiated:
- Area put out of bounds – physical segregation
- Staff are to follow the guidance in section 3 of Carmarthenshire County Council’s Needlestick, Sharps and Blood Bourne Viruses available via the schools’ HWB site
- If staff receive a needlestick / sharp injury they should:
- Remove the needle;
- Squeeze the skin around the area of the puncture site, make it bleed as much as you can. Do not suck it to make it bleed or lick the blood;
- Wash thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible;
- If the wound is still bleeding apply a dry dressing;
- Seek medical assistance (either at the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) or at your GP’s surgery).
- If possible – complete a Sharps Injury / Blood Splash Incident Form (Appendix 3 of the Carmarthenshire County Council’s Needlestick, Sharps and Blood Bourne Viruses Guidance) and take it with you when you seek medical assistance;
- Ensure your manager is told either by yourself or a work colleague that you have left the premises.
Needlestick injuries constitute any skin lesion, whether a scratch or puncture wound, caused by a hypodermic needle. Sharps injuries are caused by syringe needles, scalpels, lancets and blood contaminated glass products
32. Further Advice and Guidance and Support
For further advice, guidance and support please contact the Employee Wellbeing Team by the following means;
Email; ECummings@carmarthenshire.gov.uk Phone: 01267 246180
Email; ADButler@carmarthenshire.gov.uk Phone: 01267 246088