The proper handling of personal information by Ysgol Rhys Prichard is very important in delivering education to our pupils.
Personal data is any information that relates to a person who can be directly or indirectly identified from the information. The terms ‘information’ and ‘personal data’ are used throughout this privacy notice and have the same meaning.

To ensure that the school treats personal information correctly, we seek to adhere in full to the requirements of Data Protection legislation.
This privacy notice has therefore been produced to explain as clearly as possible what we do with personal data.

  1. What type of information do we use?

We collect the following types of personal data:

  • Contact details for you and your child
  • Your child’s date of birth
  • Your child’s gender
  • Unique Pupil Number
  • Your family’s composition
  • Child’s language ability
  • Education details
  • Images / photographs as part of our school activities
  • Information about your child’s health
  • Your child’s racial or ethnic origin
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs


Where applicable, we will collect and use the following:

    1. Free school meals eligibility
    2. Additional Learning Needs
    3. Whether a pupil child is Looked After by a local authority


We also use a CCTV system in the school to record images. This is to keep your child and our employees safe and may be shared with third parties as and when necessary.






  1. Do we use information received from other sources?

The school collects information directly from you but we also receive information from the following sources:

  • Any previous schools your child has attended
  • Carmarthenshire County Council Education & Children Services department
  • Other local authorities
  • The NHS

The following types of personal data are obtained:

  • Unique Pupil Number
  • Pupil ID


Contact details for you and your child

  • Your family’s composition
  • Education details
  • Images/photographs
  • Information about your child’s health
  • Your child’s racial or ethnic origin


3.Transferring information abroad

Personal data about you and your child will not be transferred outside the United Kingdom.

4.Who has access to the information we use?

We share pupil information with the following recipients:

  • Carmarthenshire County Council
  • Welsh Government
  • Other schools
  • Education through Regional Working regional consortium
  • Hywel Dda University Health Board
  • Teacher Centre – who provide our Management Information System can have access to personal data when they carry out maintenance work on the system.
  • Speakr
  • My Concern
  • Sumdog
  • Assessment Foundation (Taith 360)



There are other specific situations where we may be required to disclose information about you, such as:

  • Where the Council is required to provide the information by law
  • Where disclosing the information is required to prevent or detect a crime
  • Where disclosure is in the vital interests of the person concerned

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data is to comply with our legal obligations under the Education Acts 1944 to 2014.

If you do not give us the information we need when we ask for it, this could have an impact on your child’s education and safety.

  1. How long we will keep personal data

We keep personal data in accordance with guidelines published by the Information & Records Management Society:

6.Your Data Protection rights

You have the right to:

  • Obtain access to the personal data that the school is processing about you
  • Have any inaccurate or incomplete information rectified (corrected)
  • Withdraw your consent to processing, where this is the only basis for the processing
  • Make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the independent body in the UK which protects information rights

In some circumstances, you may have the right to:

  • Object to the processing of your personal information
  • The erasure of your personal data
  • Restrict the processing of your personal information
  • Data portability

You can also access your child’s education record under the Pupil Information (Wales) Regulations 2011.

  1. Contact details

For more information regarding this privacy notice and your rights, please contact the school office.
Contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office along with further guidance on Data Protection legislation can be found on the ICO website: