At Ysgol Rhys Prichard, we provide an all-round education of a very high academic standard and we pride ourselves on our success in developing children's self esteem, responsibility, courtesy and social awareness.
Flexibility of teaching methods ensures that the National Curriculum is delivered in the most appropriate way, considering the nature of the task and the children concerned.
Members of staff use each other's expertise in planning for different curriculum areas. This expertise and experience, and small class sizes, enable us to take account of every child's rate of development, so ensuring confident and successful progress of all.
Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility in all aspects of school life and to become independent learners. They are involved in whole school issues through such things as the School Council, Eco School Council, Digital Leaders and Children’s Rights.
All Schools in the Welsh Education System are involved in implementing Curriculum 2008. This skills-based curriculum emphasises the process of learning and engages pupils with valued forms of knowledge, focusing on the needs of the learner. The skills-based National Curriculum subjects for KS2 are as follows:
Core Subjects: Welsh ,English, Mathematics
and Science.
Foundation Subjects: History, Geography, Music,
Design and Technology, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT),
Art, and Physical Education.
We also include the Numeracy, Literacy and DCF Skills across the Curriculum; developing thinking, developing communication, developing ICT and developing number, following the skills frame work, and the Areas of Learning across the curriculum: Curriculum Cymreig, and Personal and Social Education.
Provision is also made for Religious Education, although this is not part of the National Curriculum.
to ensure pupils access their statutory entitlement to the curriculum;
to provide a curriculum based on the Foundation Phase, the National Curriculum and skills framework and RE framework;
to develop positive attitudes and behaviour, including self control;
to develop high self esteem and confidence
to encourage pupils to think for themselves and be motivated, independent and self responsible;
to motivate pupils and encourage them to learn to question and respond to challenge;
to develop respect for self and others;
to build on previous experience through reflection
to use the outcomes of assessment in order to move forward;
to develop creativity, imagination, spontaneity and initiative;
to communicate effectively and express themselves clearly;
to work co-operatively and collaboratively;
to learn to select and use skills, understanding and resources, and to be discriminating;
Broad Guidelines
The curriculum:
is based on the vision, aims, mission and ethos of the school ;
is broad and balanced and is careful to ensure sufficient depth of study;
is achievable and adequately resourced, representing value for money;
is relevant, challenging, interesting and enjoyable for all learners;
introduces pupils to a wide range of experiences, knowledge, skills and understanding;
promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development;
prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life;
is planned, using whole school themes and some schemes of work, based on Curriculum 2008, to ensure continuity and progression in consultation with pupils
includes the development of Skills across the Curriculum and Areas of Learning;
ensures the development of basic skills;
is experiential, developmental and creative learning;
is differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils including SEN and More able and Talented pupils;
includes opportunities for assessment and builds in continuity and progression in future planning, following evaluations of pupil outcomes;
is assessed through teacher assessment (see Assessment Policy);
includes the use of the school environment to develop academic and social skills;
ensures the quality of pupil learning by a tracking process which draws from - lesson plans, goals and targets set by teachers and subject co-ordinators;
reflects equal opportunities and race equality for all pupils;
is monitored, evaluated and reviewed at regular staff meetings;
is monitored evaluated and reviewed by the Governing Body through regular discussion and reports from the Headteacher;
is reported to parents through regular parents evenings, curriculum workshops and the annual report to parents by the Governing Body
is further enhanced by providing opportunities for staff development in teaching skills; curriculum knowledge, skills and understanding, and classroom organisation and practice.
Welsh (and English from Year 3 on):
In addition to carefully structured individual, group and class Welsh or English lessons, every subject within the curriculum provides opportunities for teaching the basic skills of oracy, reading and writing as well as wider communication. All children learn Welsh as a first language. This is sometimes supported by a visiting specialist. Opportunities for Cwricwlwm Cymreig are incorporated into all we do.
As with the other aspects of Welsh or English, oracy is developed in all areas of the curriculum as well as Welsh and English. It is important that children express themselves clearly and are able to listen to other's points of view. ICT hardware is used to develop listening and discussion skills in a number of curriculum areas. Children are taught to express ideas and feelings, to discuss, converse and explain. They are given opportunity to listen and to respond to others.
Throughout the school this is given priority.
Various teaching approaches are used including structured play and informal learning situations, phonics, group reading and individual reading in addition to support strategies such as Read Write Inc. There is a variety of books in each classroom and a library which we are constantly adding to. We also hold Book Fairs and sales benefit the school. Children are encouraged to take books home to share, we consider reading aloud is an important activity and welcome parental support. In the Foundation Phase the use of story sacks encourages children to enjoy and respect books and engages parents in their early learning. Most of our children are early, fluent, expressive and confident readers.
Children are taught and encouraged to write for interest, for enjoyment and to record and communicate information. Close attention is paid to grammar, spelling, comprehension, creativity, presentation and handwriting.
Word processors and Ipads are used frequently throughout school for editing and presenting work.
The National Curriculum Programmes of study in mathematics contain the following:
1. Solve mathematical problems;
2. Communicate mathematically;
3. Reason mathematically;
1. Number
2. Calculate in a variety of ways;
3. Measures and money;
4. Shape, position and movement;
5. Handling data
Mathematics is taught both discreetly in structured lessons and also as part of a thematic, cross-curricular approach.
The National Curriculum Programmes of study in mathematics contain the following:
Skills: 1. Communication;
2. Enquiry;
3. Developing.
Range: 1. Interdependence of organisms;
2. The sustainable Earth;
3. How things work.
We aim to develop in children, enquiring minds and a scientific approach to problem solving. First-hand observations, testing investigating, discovering patterns, recording and critical reporting are planned into our cycle of science topics which are visited in both key stages to ensure progression.
Pupils are offered experiences that bring History to life and make learning enjoyable, interesting and significant. They engage in stimulating and focused historical enquiry using a wide range of sources. History encompasses the following skills: Chronological awareness, Interpretations of history, Historical enquiry and organisation and Communication.
Our main aim is to develop and stimulate interest in places and the world around them. We draw on children's natural curiosity to encourage individual research; we are keen to develop the ability to gather and make sense of information. Much use is made of ICT, recorded television programmes, local studies, field trips, visits and local information and people. The geographical skills taught are: Locating places, environments and patterns, Understanding places, environments and processes, Investigating, Communicating.
Music activities include performing, composing and appraising. We aim to use and understand sound as a medium of expression and communication, focusing listening in all musical activities on the musical elements, and to gain personal satisfaction and self-confidence from creating musical experiences. Most children from year 3 onwards learn to play the recorder. We have keyboards and an ever-increasing range of tuned and un-tuned instruments. Opportunity is provided in the Scheme of Work to learn music through ICT. The children enjoy performing locally, singing and playing in concerts, productions and church services.
We aim to develop children's capabilities to design and make simple products by combining their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding of the made world. They are encouraged to investigate design and technology of other cultures and times and are made aware of issues relating to sustainability and environmental issues as well as safety issues.
All children are taught to use communication technology, ranging from audio/video recording, overhead projection equipment, word processors, data handling and art packages, sensing equipment, to model and control. Learners access ICT to enhance learning throughout the curriculum.
Understanding, Investigating and Making are integrated activities achieved through engagement with the work of artists, craftworkers and designers, creative investigations and the making of the learners’ own work. In addition to studying work of artists and periods, children learn to express themselves in a variety of media and acquire a range of skills and knowledge while appreciating the beauty and wonder of art. We encourage individuality and experimentation in 2D and 3D techniques. Where possible we work with local/ Welsh artists/crafts people.
Learners are given opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of PE in the following four areas of experience:
1. Health, fitness and well-being activities;
2. Creative activities;
3. Adventurous activities;
4. Competitive activities.
We use the school playground and the school field.
We have very successful sports teams and there are equal opportunities for all learners to take part in all sporting activities and events.
Personal and social education is not a subject that we teach in isolation but is implicit in the ethos of our school and all areas of the curriculum. We aim to provide a caring community where personal qualities of kindness, thoughtfulness and helpfulness are all actively encouraged and selfish anti-social behaviour is actively discouraged. The informal atmosphere of a small primary school and the stability of contact between teachers and pupils allow discussion where children can talk freely about aspects of life which concern them or share happy, sad or momentous experiences within the school community.
However a two-year programme will run alongside our ongoing expectations and positive practices to ensure a well-rounded and balanced experience is offered.
This is based firmly on Christian values and teaching while making references to others’ beliefs. A combination of Carmarthenshire’s R E Syllabus and the scheme of work is followed to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the major faith groups in Wales. Learners are given opportunities to explore their spirituality and to reflect on what they have learned. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from religious education lessons if they wish, preferably by writing to the head teacher.
The skills framework for 3-19 year olds underpins the Foundation Phase framework, all the subjects of the NC and the frameworks for PSE and RE. We use this framework to ensure a consistent approach to learning and progression and consequently it is embedded in all our planning. The key skills are:
• developing thinking;
• oracy;
• reading
• writing;
• wider communication skills;
• developing ICT;
• developing number.
These skills are included in lesson plans and a record is kept of coverage.
BASIC SKILLS (Numeracy/literacy)
We review learners’ progress in basic skills regularly and use differentiated teaching to support the development of literacy and numeracy. At any time a small number of learners (SS 85-105) may be identified, from ongoing assessment that identifies individual needs of all learners, as requiring intervention to improve basic skills. In our school, in addition to other indicators e.g. daily learning, assessment diaries, standardised scores in spelling, reading, numeracy, would be used to help us identify pupils with basic skills needs. The progress of underattaining learners will be tracked rigorously using formative and summative assessment procedures. Ongoing assessment will be used to inform planning and to make appropriate provision for all. Learners are always involved in the assessment of their own progress in basic skills and in the setting of literacy and /or numeracy targets. As well as 1:1 and small group we might also use focussed tasks.
The headteacher is the co-ordinator for basic skills and is responsible for:
• Identifying basic skills learners;
• Tracking progress
• Identifying appropriate interventions – (what and when)
• Reviewing progress every half term;
• Liaising with staff, learners and parents;
• Reporting to the Governing Body.
Sex Education is taught as an integral part of the Health Education Programme in the school. For Year 6 pupils, the school nurse will talk about puberty in a way that is sensitive to the great differences in physical and emotional development of the children in the group. Parents will always be informed when sex education is to take place and are given an opportunity to view the audio-visual resources and have the right to withdraw their children from the lesson if they see fit to do so.
All class teachers provide differentiated work to cater for the needs and abilities of all children. More Able learners are encouraged to extend their skills and knowledge and the less able children are given work to enable them to fulfil their potential. Children with behavioural difficulties are also identified and, if necessary, placed on the Code of Practice and referred to specialists. Some of the children on the Code of Practice will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which will be reviewed twice a year in consultation with parents. These children may receive individual or small group support from our LSA’s.
We endeavour to help learners develop their skills and abilities intellectually, physically, artistically and creatively. We aim to give all pupils rich learning experiences and high quality curriculum provision to develop, extend and enhance their abilities but recognise that there are more able and talented pupils in our school with a potential to exhibit a significantly higher level of ability across one or more areas. Following identification, opportunities for extension, enhancement and enrichment are provided to allow our More Able and Talented pupils to flourish and achieve their potential.
There is a daily act of worship for all pupils and staff based firmly on Christian values. We encourage participation and response, aiming to develop a sense of community spirit, shared values and positive attitudes. Children are encouraged to take an active part in the proceedings by choosing hymns and prayers, responding to ideas and by contributing songs, prayers, drama, poetry etc. of their own. Children are also given the opportunity to lead the act of worship either individually or in small groups. The local vicar visits the school on a weekly basis. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from worship if they wish, preferably by writing to the head teacher.
Homework will be given regularly, to reinforce classroom studies. All children are encouraged to read at home daily. The youngest children are given pre-reading tasks and later expected to learn weekly spellings and tables.
A range of after school clubs is held including: sports and Urdd. More details are available in school.
School hours are from 9.10am to 3.25pm (Foundation Phase) and 3:40pm (KS2). The school can not accept legal responsibility for children left before 08.50 or after 3.45, unless prior arrangements have been made. We like children to arrive at school in good time but, unless attending the Breakfast club, ask that children do not arrive before 8.50. We request that pupils are punctual at all times.
Throughout the Foundation Phase we encompass the developmental needs of all learners. We strive to work on the holistic development of learners and build their skills across the curriculum, building on previous learning and understanding. The learners learn through first hand, experiential activities. Through their play, the learners practise and consolidate their learning, explore and experiment ideas, take risks, solve problems and make decisions individually and in both small and large groups. We ensure that individual needs appropriate to their stage of learning are met, rather than through age related outcomes, through involving the learners throughout the whole ongoing planning process from start to finish and by setting challenges in areas of the classroom, which are open to allow for many different levels. The indoor and outdoor environments are of equal importance to us, planning activities to involve both or give choices. Our aim throughout this process is to promote independence which will then work alongside all other areas to develop each individual. To allow for this to take place the classroom is set into areas and all resources are clearly labelled and easily accessible to all learners.
The seven areas all combine together through the activities we do.
Personal and Social Development, Well being and Cultural Diversity.
This is the underlying area of the Foundation Phase which is developed through all the other areas of learning, through participation in experiential learning activities both indoors and outdoors. Our learners are taught about themselves, their relationships with other children and adults both within and beyond the family. They are encouraged to develop their self esteem, personal beliefs and moral values, through exploring many aspects within all areas. We provide experiences to develop their understanding that others have differing needs, abilities, beliefs and values. We celebrate different cultures, through looking at Festivals and special events and books about other cultures, e.g. Handa’s Surprise. We include important traditions, cultures and celebrations of Wales, to ensure they understand how and why we are here today.
Our learners work individually and with other learners to develop positive attitudes and relationships with others. They all experience challenges set to extend their learning.
Language, Literacy and Communication skills
Language, Literacy and Communication skills are developed through all activities the learners do. All activities are planned to encourage talking, communicating, listening, asking questions and developing ideas. We do a lot of Storytelling through Pie Corbett style, which gives the learners the language, structures and ideas to build their own stories. We have a storytelling/performance area, with a small stage where the learners can perform any drama, dance, storytelling they have done to celebrate their work. Learners work in talking partners to share news, explore ideas and discuss opinions. The reading area provides a comfortable area, with a rug, cushions and teddies, where the learners can share fiction and non-fiction books, magazines and a listening station telling a variety of stories, including their own. One stand within the reading area includes a variety of different books on the present topic.
Learners have access to a variety of ICT software on both the interactive whiteboard and the desktops. These include programmes to develop writing, building words and spelling, stories, both already created and for them to create and many other fun activities to encourage communication skills.
The writing area provides a range of media for mark making and is well resourced with clear labels. The learners are encouraged to write in all the areas of the classroom, e.g. role play area, labelling models in the construction area etc.
Mathematical Development
Learners develop their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding through oral, practical and play activities. They enjoy using and applying maths in practical tasks, in real life problems (buying stamps in the post office) and as an everyday skill. We use any possible opportunity to develop basic maths skills, such as self registration and milk time. We use a variety of games on the interactive white board to develop and apply these skills.
We have a maths area, with a new challenge (set by the children) every week. The children are encouraged to apply the skills taught to complete the challenge independently. They are then expected to use this skill through other areas of learning through that week and in the future.
Welsh Language Development
Our learners are expected to use their Welsh in everyday life. All resources in the classroom are labelled clearly in Welsh to help their development. The children enjoy learning new songs and rhymes which they use during the school day, such as ‘Ble mae...?’ The Athrawes Bro provides us with all the necessary vocabulary for the present topic.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Our learners experience the familiar world through enquiry and investigation of both the indoors and outdoors. They are given experiences to help them develop their curiosity about the world around them and help them begin to understand about past events, people and places, living things and the work people do. They learn to demonstrate care, responsibility, concern and respect for all living things and their environment, by having continual access to explore new concepts. These skills are developed through all areas of learning, through participation in experiential activities and through the use of stories, photos, maps, models, ICT and much more. Children also bring in interesting objects that they put in the prescribed box, along with resources for them to explore and investigate.
Physical Development
Our learners’ physical development is promoted through helping them to use their bodies effectively. We plan activities to encourage spatial awareness, balance, control and communication, such as a variety of games, P.E., outdoor and indoor play. Learners develop their fine and gross motor skills through a variety of experiential learning activities, using a variety of large and small equipment.
The learners are consistently reminded of health, hygiene and safety and the importance of rest, diet, sleep and exercise. We are a recently named healthy school and the children have a cooking activity every week that we ensure is healthy. The children have milk after morning play and can buy fruit at play time.
Creative Development
Our learners are continually encouraged to develop their imagination and creativity across the curriculum. They engage in creative, imaginative and expressive activities in art, craft, design, music, dance and movement. They explore a wide range of stimuli and develop their ability to communicate, express and reflect on their own and others work. The learners are encouraged to express creatively, developing their own ideas. Inside the classroom is a ‘make it area’, providing a variety of equipment and resources; a junk modelling area; a construction area; sand and water. The learners also work creatively outside, using a variety of media and techniques.
Skills- Developing thinking, Developing number, Developing ICT and Developing Communication.
These skills underpin all the activities in all the areas of learning and our learners are continually applying, and developing these skills.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the National Curriculum Orders and Statutory
Requirements, and all National Curriculum policies, the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, the Sex Education Policy, the Religious Education Syllabus, the Equal Opportunity Policy, the Race Equality Policy and the schools planning procedures and documents.