Cwricwlwm Cymreig Policy
Cwricwlwm Cymreig
The 1988 Education Reform Act presented Welsh schools with an opportunity to ‘create for the first time ever, a state school curriculum which is unique to Wales – in content and context’. The whole curriculum in Wales encompasses and reflects in its content or exemplification, both the English and Welsh cultures in the country and the whole range of historical social and environmental influences that have shaped contemporary Wales’. The development of a Cwricwlwm Cymreig in all its diversity represents an important objective for schools in Wales.
To give pupils a sense of place and heritage:
Pupils can be given a sense of place and heritage, based on understanding and empathy, through learning about:
1. The geographical environment of Wales, thereby, gaining an understanding of the relationship between the environment and the people.
2. The history of Wales and of Wales’ relationship with other parts of the United Kingdom, together with an appreciation of past and present links with Europe and the wider world.
3. The contribution, past and present, which people from Wales have made to the development of their own and other nations’ cultures.
4. The part played by both farming and industry as shaping forces in Welsh life.
To give pupils a sense of belonging:
Pupils can be given a sense of belonging through being encouraged to:
1. Appreciate the values of the community in which they live, and the circumstances and influences that have shaped their values.
2. Celebrate the fact that the culture, language and traditions of Wales are distinctive, while respecting the values of other cultures.
3. Becoming informed and integrated members of their communities, understanding how and why their local communities function and to appreciate and respect the importance of community values and traditions.
Help pupils become aware of the important parts which language and literature have always played and continue to play in Welsh life by:
Providing all children in Wales with access to the Welsh language and opportunities to refine their ability to use it as a medium of communication.
Learning about the heritage of fable and legend which is part of Welsh experience, and the traditional Welsh love for the spoken word.
Introducing pupils to the range and variety of Welsh literature in both Welsh and English and stimulating an awareness of Wales’ rich literary tradition.
Give pupils an awareness of the creative and expressive arts in Wales
Pupils in Wales can be given a better understanding of the creative and expressive arts through learning about:
1. The distinctive nature of Welsh music, both vocal and instrumental.
2. The Celtic artistic and craft tradition, including knowledge of contemporary Welsh artists, sculptures and craft workers.
3. Technology, as seen in many aspects of the built environment in Wales, past and present.
4. Expressive movement and team experience by means of dance, sports and physical activity
Give pupils an awareness of the understanding of the factors which have shaped the religious beliefs and practices of the people in Wales:
The way that Christian traditions both church and chapel has an influence on all aspects of Welsh life.
An appreciation of the many changes that have occurred and of the greater diversity of religious beliefs to be found amongst present day Welsh communities
Give pupils an awareness of contemporary issues as they effect Wales:
This awareness can be developed through leaning about and about an appreciation of :
1. The community and it’s changing scene
2. The environment, local and wider afield
3. New cultures and their effect on Wales
4. New industry and it’s effect on Wales
Through these aims we want our children to have an empathy and understanding of Wales and their own area and how it has changed and is changing. We want them to understand the importance of Welsh people and their effect on Wales. We want them to respect the Welsh language.
We believe that every child has entitlement to the language and knowledge of Wales and we believe that an increased awareness of Welsh culture and identity, reflecting both its distinctiveness and diversity, helps children to gain a better understanding of their personal and social development.
Cwricwlwm Cymreig is not planned as a separate subject, but is integrated as much as possible into other subjects, thereby making it a natural part of school life.
Equal Opportunities
All children, irrespective of gender, ability, ethnic origin and social circumstances, have access to all aspects of the Cwricwlwm Cymreig.
All schemes of work are reviewed on an annual basis as part of the school’s normal self-evaluation process.
Signed - _______________________
Date - _________________________