Summer Menu 2018
May 4, 2018‘Celebrating Welsh Week’

During the week of 23rd – 27th April, Ysgol Rhys Pritchard celebrated the Welsh Culture by undertaking a number of exciting and interesting activities throughout their ‘Celebrating Welsh week’.
As The Welsh Charter link governor, I visited the school on Monday 23rd April to have a guided tour by Ms Bethan Evans (Welsh Charter Co-ordinator). I visited each year group and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the pupils embrace different aspects of Welsh Culture ranging from Dawnsio Gwerin, singing Welsh folk songs, writing poetry, studying Patagonia and learning about Welsh myths and legends.
Pupils discussed their favourite places in Wales and who their Welsh heroes were. It was a real pleasure to see all the pupils with smiles on their faces and speaking the Welsh language so confidently. They were clearly enjoying all the exciting opportunities their teachers were offering them. Well done everyone for a very successful week! Da iawn chi gyd!
Wendy Thomas. Parent Governor.