The cost of a school meal is £2.50 per day. Lunch money is collected on Monday mornings by a school meals clerk. Pupils absent from school on a Monday should bring their dinner money when they return to school. Parents are asked to ensure that all monies are enclosed in an envelope marked “Lunch Money” with the child’s name and class and the amount due enclosed. School meals are cooked on the premises and served with a glass of water.
N.B All cheques for dinner money need to be made out to Carmarthenshire County Council.
A nutritious packed lunch may be brought to school as an alternative to a school meal but it should not include a drink in a glass container or canned drink.
Parents in receipt of Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers Allowance are entitled to free meals for their child(ren). Free meals application forms are available from the school or: The Director of Education, Education Department, Pibwrlwyd, Carmarthen. SA31 2NH. Tel. 01267 228135
No free meals can be given until authorisation is received from the Education Department. Parents of pupils already in receipt of free meals must ensure that they submit an application for renewal to the Education Department at least 10 days before the present authorisation expires. (The headteacher may be able to authorise free meals at school provided the necessary evidence is presented with the application form).
The school follows a healthy eating policy. Fruit is sold to pupils during morning break (25p). Cold water machines are placed within the school to provide children with drinking water.