Memories by Helen Walters
March 30, 2011
Memories by Debra Davies
April 4, 2011
Memories by Helen Walters
March 30, 2011
Memories by Debra Davies
April 4, 2011

Transformation of Secondary Education in the Dinefwr area of Carmarthenshire

The Statutory Proposals for theTransformation and Re-conigurationof Secondary Education in the Dinefwrarea of Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire County Council after much discussion and informal consultation is now in a position topresent its formal proposals with respect to transformation and re-coniguration of secondary educationin the Dinefwr area of the county. Dinefwr is one of three clusters of secondary schools withinCarmarthenshire and within these clusters many aspects of education is managed and organised. Thetransformation of secondary education is also affecting schools in the other two clusters of the Authority.Dinefwr is located to the north and east of Carmarthenshire and currently includes ive secondaryschools, namely Pantycelyn, Tre-Gib, Dyffryn Aman, Maes Yr Yrfa and Gwendraeth.

A period of Dinefwr tri-level discussions commenced in August 2007 and concluded with the publicationof a PAWB (Partneriaeth ar Waith Bro/Community Partnership in Action) paper and agreement whichformed the basis of a transformation consultation document in December 2008. A period of informalpublic consultation ended in March 2009 and following the successful submission of three business casesto the Welsh Assembly Government, the County Council wishes to formally present its long-term Dinefwrstatutory proposals.

As a result you are invited to a meeting at Ysgol Pantycelyn on Monday May 9th 2011 Commencing at 7pm.

Y Cynigion Statudol ar gyferTrawsnewid ac Ad-drefnu AddysgUwchradd yn ardal Dinefwr,Sir Gaerfyrddin

Ar ôl llawer o drafod ac ymgynghori’n anffuriol mae Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin yn awr mewn sefyllfa igylwyno ei gynigion ffuriol mewn perthynas â thrawsnewid ac ad-drefnu addysg uwchradd yn ardalDinefwr o’r sir. Mae Dinefwr yn un o dri chlwstwr o ysgolion uwchradd yn Sir Gaerfyrddin a’r tu mewn i’rclystyrau hyn mae llawer o’r agweddau ar addysg yn cael eu rheoli a’u trefnu. Mae trawsnewid addysguwchradd hefyd yn effeithio ar addysg uwchradd yn y ddau glwstwr arall yn yr Awdurdod. Mae Dinefwryng ngogledd a dwyrain Sir Gaerfyrddin ac ar hyn o bryd mae ynddi bum ysgol uwchradd, sef Pantycelyn,Tre-Gib, Dyffryn Aman, Maes yr Yrfa a’r Gwendraeth.

Dechreuodd cyfnod o drafodaethau ynglŷn â’r diwygiadau ar dair lefel yn ardal Dinefwr ym mis Awst2007 a daeth i ben gyda chyhoeddi papur PAWB (Partneriaeth ar Waith Bro) a chytundeb a oedd yn sail iddogfen ymgynghori ar drawsnewid ym mis Rhagfyr 2008. Daeth cyfnod o ymgynghori cyhoeddusanffuriol i ben ym mis Mawrth 2009 ac yn dilyn cylwyno tri achos busnes i Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymruyn llwyddiannus, mae’r Cyngor Sir yn dymuno cylwyno ei gynigion statudol hirdymor ar gyfer Dinefwr ynffuriol.

O Ganlyniad i hyn fech gwahoddir i gyfarfod yn Ysgol Pantycelyn, Llanymddyfri ar ddydd Llun, Mai 9fed 2011 i gychwyn am 7 o’r gloch.